I left because of the lousy food at assemblies. Especially the pies. YUCK! How can any organization claiming to represent God provide such sorry chow for it's adherants?
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
Why did you leave the society??
by sadiejive inthe subject is pretty cut and dry:.
---why did you leave the society??---.
was it one thing or several?
Did Crisis of Conscience damage you?
by Mulan init has been suggested, by a man we know, that those who read crisis of conscience, are left with a feeling of despair and are "cast adrift" after reading it.
it is his opinion that the book shouldn't have been written, because it does harm to people.
i do not agree, and would like to hear from anyone who has an opinion to share, so i can print all this out and show it to him.. comments, everyone, please????
drahcir yarrum
Ray Franz changed my life for the better when he wrote Crisis of Conscience. I felt foolish for having been betrayed by the WTS and that sense of foolishness has continued for almost 20 years. But all in all, Franz did many of us a great service by writing C of C.
I am in no way adrift. I now worship my pee pee.
Not really!
An Internet Apostate
by Yadirf inan internet "apostate" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the internet.
s/he tries to start arguments and upset people.. apostates see internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game.
for some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people.
drahcir yarrum
Could an internet apostate possibly cause as much pain and suffering as an elder in a congregation can? I seriously doubt it.
by wonderwoman77 inhey all i had my compentency exam today!!!
(for all you who do not know i am in grad school for occupational therapy).
i did excellent.
drahcir yarrum
Now you know how I felt after passing my last roadside sobriety test.
What do Dubs do with their Xmas cards?
by ozziepost in1. throw them in the trash.. 2. display them in your hidden chamber.. 3. display them in your lounge room.. 4. place them under your xmas tree!.
remember those times before xmas when a service meeting part was given instructing the publishers how to respond to xmas greetings?
mustn't reject the greetings, that would be rude!
drahcir yarrum
I used to throw those evil Xmas cards away with gusto! I was making a statement to the "friendly god" Jehovah that I had nothing but disdain for those demonic holidays and those who celebrated them. I just knew that I was putting a smile on the grouchy diety's face by chucking those cards while still in the envelope. How pompously I strutted to the waste basket to pitch Satan's screed.
Where's my medication? I need to lay down for a bit!
My dad's response to the 'Cow' article......
by LDH inearlier in isp's thread, someone posted a reprint of a 1952 wt article likening women to cows.. i cut and pasted the whole article to my dad as well as my sister and a jw friend who continues to talk to me despite my being labeled apostate.. i did not change any words, only highlighted or bolded the sentences that i thought were especially outrageous.. i sent the article under the 'guise' of a lighthearted joke to this sister, and telling her she needs to do her wifely duty and bear children to her husband.. a few minutes ago, i received this response from my dad.. lisa, .
i don't understand your purpose in sending me e-mails of a 40-year old article from the watchtower that i already have access to if i chose to spend the time to look it up.
i can sense from your "subject" and the high-lighted portions of the article that your intent was perhaps to riducule the counsel, especially the comparison of a young girl to a cow.
drahcir yarrum
I thought your letter and your response to your father's response was excellent. In addition, I thought your father's email response was at least articulate. This is unlike the response I get from my JW mother of "I don't want to hear anymore of that apostate crap". But perhaps she just appreciates the economy of words used.
I must say though, that I've always felt somewhat perverted and now it's been confirmed.
I hope you are enjoying your new baby.
JW Witnessed To Hijacker
by MadApostate injw urban legend making the rounds:.
a few months ago a brother from vero beach, florida in the course of his .
normal door-to-door ministry witnessed to a women of "middle eastern .
drahcir yarrum
I suspect, if this story is true and I have NO reason to believe it is, that the terrorist read the magazines and book and became so convinced about the hopelessness of the world, it pushed him over the edge. He also may have seen the personality similarities between Jehovah and an angry Allah and decided this was a message for him to act. Frankly, even as a young lad at assemblies I used to have serious doubts about the veracity of most of the field service experiences given.
But alas, all of my thoughts are subject to change because my mother is sending me the latest copy of Awake with the 9/11 articles in it. Stay tuned for my rehabilitation to the "truth".
And the survey says . . .
by patio34 ingreetings and felicitations to all of you great people!.
please answer some survey questions, if you're interested.
then i'll write the rationale.
drahcir yarrum
a. same eye color
b. two inches height difference
2. dissimilar
3. dissimilar
4. different -
The Stimulus Debate in USA
by Julie inwith all the talk of politics on the board lately i thought i would share with you some information on an important debate going on right now in the us.
that would be the economic stimulus package..
the meat of the article reads:.
drahcir yarrum
The article you cited has the following quote:
"Then the business lobby kicked in. The lobbyists realized the growing support forming behind a stimulus package presented them with a great chance to pocket tax breaks that they'd sought for years -- to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. House Republicans eagerly assisted them, forcing through a package -- adopted in a party line vote -- that violated every one of the principles the president had previously embraced". . .
Since a first year economics student knows that businesses don't pay taxes, they simply pass them along to consumers in the cost of goods sold, I don't see how providing tax cuts to businesses, small or large, could be detrimental in stimulating the economy. The logic follows this way: if passing on taxes makes the cost of goods sold higher for the consumer, then lowering taxes to businesses could make the cost of goods lower for the consumer. Companies are much more likely to pass on their variable cost savings in the retail price because they MUST meet their fixed costs in the long run to keep the doors open.
I am reminded of what liberal democrat Michael Dukakis said when running for president in the early 90's. "You can't be for a strong economy and at the same time be against business." SHOCKING isn't it.
I AM THE HEAD OF MY HOUSE! (wife says its OK)
by Englishman intheres little else in life that is more ludicrous than a pompous jw.. correction.
there is little else in life that is more ludicrous than a pompous male jw.
especially one of the elder variety, one of those guys what tell people what to do.. think about it, it just isnt natural for a man to be the head of the house .
drahcir yarrum
Any married man who doesn't recognize who actually runs the house is delusional. If it weren't for Mrs. Yarrum, my credit would be bad, I'd have a serious drinking problem and my house would be a crude one room flat. Not that any of that sounds all that bad, but my kids wouldn't particularly like it.
My father told me a funny story once about going door to door as a new JW back in the early 1950's. He was with the, at that time, congregation servant. They were offering a book to a man at his door who said he couldn't accept the book until he talked to his wife. The congregation servant asked "Why ask your wife, aren't you the head of your house?" With that the man stepped onto the porch and punched the CS in the face and knocked him off the porch. It's probably good that they didn't meet the man's wife.